This is ME. This is WHO I AM

The purpose of this BLOG is to share with you my personal breakdowns AND also my breakthroughs on my way to being the Best Me I can be. I currently have a Career (or J.O.B.), a large team in my Network Marketing businesses, and a family of 3 young and energetic boys. This is a record - on a personal level - of my journey to find the balancing point of what I will define as my Success in all aspects of my life. I promise to give you The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Along the way, I will share with you my disappointments & my celebrations. I hope this will help you too

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Recently, I made the decision to focus mainly on my upcoming Flight Simulator test. As an Airline Pilot I am required to undergo a rigorous test every 6 months to ensure I can handle major emergencies like an engine fire. These tests can be quite stressful as your continued employment as a pilot depends upon you passing. So, in essence, a career as an airline pilot is only 6 months at a time.
A number of interesting things come up as you prepare for these tests - it is another example of managing your mind - using your Mind Power to stop your 'monkey mind' from chattering away about potential consequences. You are not your mind - your mind is just a part of you, just like an arm or a leg. Many people are really not aware of this fact. If you sometimes suffer from your 'monkey mind' taking control of you, then I highly recommend you visit the web-site of Mind Power expert, Mr John Kehoe at

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